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The 5 Strongest Types of Coffee Drinks

The 5 Strongest Types of Coffee Drinks

If you drink coffee to help you wake up in the mornings, sometimes the gentle nudge from a mug of drip coffee isn’t enough. Sometimes, you need a drink that really slaps you in the face and yanks you out of bed.

We’ve all had those days, which is why we put together this list of super-strong coffee drinks that you can make at home or order from the local cafe. Read on for our top picks!

What Influences Coffee Strength?

When people talk about “coffee strength,” they’re probably talking about caffeine content and flavor intensity — but these are not the same. Dark roast coffee also delivers bold flavors but can contain slightly less caffeine than lighter roasts due to roasting differences. This often means tha medium roasts are a happy medium for people looking for balanced acidity and caffeine content.

The brewing method also matters. For instance, a shot of espresso is highly concentrated, while the coffee from your coffee maker is probably much more mild. Even the grind size and water temperature in methods like French press or pour-over can affect the strength of your coffee.

What Type of Coffee Is the Strongest?

The world’s strongest coffee comes from Robusta coffee. This type of coffee bean is known for its intense kick and has a 50 percent higher caffeine content of Arabica coffee. Its flavor leans bitter and earthy, making it a popular choice for espresso blends and instant coffee. 

Some coffee brands increase the caffeine content of their beans in the hopes of creating the strongest coffee out there. However, this highly caffeinated coffee comes with some drawbacks. Drinking coffee that has a higher caffeine content can cause you to experience more side effects of caffeine, and it might even increase your caffeine tolerance.

5 Strongest Coffee Drinks

Extra-strong coffee isn’t everyone’s cup of, well, coffee. However, if you like your coffee with an extra side of caffeine, here are the best coffee drinks to try (ranked from least to most caffeine).


Espresso is the heart and soul of most classic coffee drinks. This drink is brewed by forcing hot water through finely ground coffee under pressure. This results in a bold, concentrated shot with a velvety crema on top. 

With about 63 mg of caffeine per ounce, it's a tiny but mighty pick-me-up. Espresso’s bold flavor profile can contain notes of chocolate, caramel, or even citrus, depending on the type of coffee beans used. 

You can enjoy it solo or combine a couple shots to make the base for a latte or cappuccino. For a true Italian vibe, sip it at a café bar while you’re on your lunch break. Finally, for a flavor so strong you’ll be tasting it for hours, make sure you use whole bean coffee that’s been freshly processed in a coffee grinder.

Double Espresso

A double espresso, or doppio, is simply two shots of espresso pulled into the same cup. This powerhouse packs about 126 mg of caffeine, making it a popular choice for coffee drinkers who are super serious about their caffeine intake. 

Its flavor is just as bold as a single shot but drinking it can provide a longer, more satisfying experience. If you’re the type who loves to take a moment to enjoy their coffee, try pairing your doppio with a buttery croissant to balance the bitter-sweetness. There’s no denying the power of the high caffeine content!

Red Eye

A red eye is made by combining a cup of coffee with a shot of espresso for extra power. This drink is made for those late nights or groggy mornings when regular drip coffee just won’t cut it. With caffeine levels ranging from 150 to 250 mg (depending on the brew strength), a red eye is definitely not for the faint of heart. 

When you start sipping it, expect a robust, slightly smoky taste from the drip coffee mixed with the boldness of the espresso. This drink is best enjoyed black or with a splash of cream to help soften the blow.

Black Eye

A black eye is like a red eye’s stronger, older brother. It’s made by combining a cup of coffee with two shots of espresso, giving it the highest caffeine content yet of around 225 to 300 mg. This is a pretty wide range, but you may find yourself closer to the top if you use light roast coffee made with Robusta beans.

This drink is for those days when you need the maximum amount of energy all at once. For context, many popular energy drinks have a caffeine content of somewhere between 130 and 200 mg per serving. 

Nitro Cold Brew

Nitro cold brew isn’t your typical iced coffee. Made by infusing cold brew coffee with nitrogen gas, it creates a creamy, velvety texture and a frothy top — kind of like the coffee version of a Guinness. 

It also contains about 215 to 280 mg of caffeine per 12 oz serving, making it a true multipurpose marvel. The flavor is smooth, rich, and less acidic than regular coffee. You might not be able to make this one at home, but you may be able to get it on tap at your local coffee shop — just ask the barista next time you go in.

Should You Drink Extra-Strong Coffee?

Extra-strong coffee can definitely help you wake up with a jolt, but it’s not always the best option. According to experts, the recommended daily limit is 400 mg of caffeine. Drinking more than this can lead to side effects like insomnia, jitters, or an elevated heart rate. 

That being said, this isn’t a hard and fast guideline. Your ideal caffeine intake is based on your unique caffeine tolerance, which can vary based on genetics. Some coffee lovers can drink four cups of coffee before bedtime without issue, while others might get jitters after just one or two cups in the morning. 

If you're sensitive, you might prefer milder options like a latte or stick to smaller portions, such as a ristretto shots, to avoid overdoing it on caffeine. You could also choose an option that has a lower amount of caffeine, such as our Mushroom Coffee+.

This coffee is made with coffee extract to provide the strong, robust flavor of heavenly coffee. However, each serving contains only 40 mg of caffeine — yes, that’s right. In our experience, this is a great middle ground that can help you feel awake without straining your system. Plus, our blends come with functional ingredients like lion’s mane and chaga mushrooms, L-theanine, and collagen protein.

The Bottom Line

Some of us drink coffee because of the fun flavors or subsequent boost in productivity — however, others carefully select their coffee order based on the drink with the highest caffeine content. 

When it comes to the strongest coffee drinks, a black eye is probably the most caffeine you can find in one drink. However, red eye, nitro cold brew, espresso, and double espresso coffees are all solid backup choices. To learn more about all kinds of coffee, visit the Everyday Dose blog today.


Caffeine chart | Center for Science in the Public Interest

What is Coffee? | NCAUSA

Is There More Caffeine in Espresso Than in Coffee? | Consumer Reports

Everything you need to know about caffeine | NCAUSA

Caffeine: How much is too much? | Mayo Clinic

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