
Which Coffee Roast Is the Strongest? Flavor and Caffeine Chart
If you like coffee that could beat you in an arm wrestling match, then you probably go for the strongest cup you can find. However, the term “strong” tends to...

10 Organic Coffee Benefits: Health, Sustainability, and More
No matter what you’re shopping for, you might have noticed that almost everything at the grocery store has an organic counterpart. Everything from produce and meat to bread and coffee...

Is Cold Brew Stronger Than Drip Coffee?
Do you ever need a little extra motivation to get up and go on Monday morning? For many people, this extra motivation lies in a super-strong cup of coffee. However,...

Low on Dose?

10 Organic Coffee Benefits: Health, Sustainability, and More
No matter what you’re shopping for, you might have noticed that almost everything at the grocery store has an organic counterpart. Everything from produce and meat to bread and coffee...

How To Get Caffeine Out of Your System To Sleep
If your 2 P.M. coffee is turning bedtime into a nightmare, there’s hope. Our team shares some tips on how to sleep even after a late cup of coffee.

All About the Matcha Plant + How Matcha Is Produced
Sure, matcha looks great and tastes even better — but have you ever wondered what’s actually in it? Learn more about the matcha plant.

Matcha and Milk: Should They Be Combined, Per Research?
Matcha has been around for centuries, but it’s taken on a new life over the past several years. People everywhere sip on matcha lattes, enjoy matcha smoothies, and nibble on...

Can You Microwave Coffee? Ranking the Ways To Reheat It
We’ve all had busy mornings where our beloved coffee has gone cold. It’s all too easy to take a few sips and start focusing on a task, forgetting all about...

A 6-Step Morning Routine for Success
Have you ever wondered how some people manage to get everything done? Here are six steps you can take each day to find success.

Breakfast Blend vs. Medium Roast? Understanding Coffee Roast Levels
When you order coffee at a restaurant, you may not be able to specify a certain kind of roast. When they bring out your coffee, all you know is that...

Matcha vs. Black Tea: Caffeine Comparison and More
When it’s time to relax, what do you do? Many people pour a hot cup of tea and kick back with a good book. If this is you, you might...

How Long Does It Take To Reset Caffeine Tolerance?
Have you finally reached the point where your morning cup of joe just doesn’t do it for you? Here’s how you can reset your caffeine tolerance.

Decaf Coffee: Is It Safe?
Caffeine doesn’t agree with everyone — some people experience bloating after drinking too much coffee, while others experience sweating and anxiety. For one reason or another, many people choose to...

What Is Matcha Made Of?
Matcha is everyone’s new favorite cafe order. It’s cute, it’s delicious, and it has amazing health benefits — who wouldn’t be on board with that? However, even if you drink...

Is Coffee Acidic?
Have you had to stop drinking coffee because it upset your stomach? Unfortunately, this isn’t uncommon. Plenty of people have to give up their beloved cups of joe because of...

Coffee for Athletes: How It Can Boost Performance
Athletes are no strangers to the idea that you are what you eat. Many athletes work hard to maximize every calorie, eating a diet balanced just the right way so...

Does Walking Help Digestion? Benefits of Walking After Eating
Have you ever experienced indigestion after eating a large meal? Heartburn and bloating don’t just come around on Thanksgiving — it can happen any time of the year if you...

13 Best Gut-Healthy Foods According to Experts
Did you know that the health of your entire body is dependent on your gut health? This might seem crazy, but the gut microbiome has health-supporting powers that we’re only...

Unlocking the Digestive Benefits of Matcha: Combatting Bloating and Enhancing Digestion
Whether you're seeking relief from occasional bloating or aiming to enhance your overall digestive health, this blog will equip you with the knowledge and strategies needed to unlock the full...